Le Poujol sur Orb is located in the south of France, 30 km's north of Beziers
The address is: 3 Rue du Viala, 34600 Le Poujol sur Orb. Tel +33(0)434346549

Le Caroux shon on a bigger map

By car:

By car there are 2 good routes, via Brussels and Paris on A1 en A75.
The route via Paris is what the most GPS systems will choose. From Clermont Ferrand the A75 is free of charge, except for the Millau bridge (highest viaduct in the world!). The A75 goes up to 1300m , so quite some climbing but very nice. From Lodeve the route goes via secondary roads to Le Poujol.

Alternative route is via Maastricht, Luik, and Luxemburg over on route du Soleil. This is the route we most times drive. This route is a bit longer but faster. It goes via Dijon, Lyon and with Nimes and Montpellier moves west in the direction of Barcelona.

Above map does not show the exact location as our house is on a private route which is not digitalized in most navigation systems.. With Google earth on your PC you can zoom in on the exact location via this link, you can even see the swimming pool.

GPS coordinates are: 43º 34' 42" north & 3º 03' 11" east. Decimal notation:  latitude 43.578333 longitude 3.053056).

Public transport:

Ryan Air fies from Dusseldorf-Weeze to Beziers Agde airport (1,5 hours flying time!). Ticket costs can be as low as € 9 single trip. More info on the site of Ryan Air and Weeze Airport
We have done this once and good experience. Alternative used by friends is from Rotterdam to Montpellier using Transavia.com

Train and bus:
We have good experience with the TGV & Thalys. U can use Thallys till Paris North and TGV to
Beziers or from Brussel direct with TGV to Beziers (in 6,5 hours). Than you can take the local train to Bedarieux. The last 8 km. tot le Poujol can be done by bus using transport L'Herault, the bus stop is 100 meters from our house (bus timescale).